Savoring Success

Patricia's Guide to Bariatric Living


The Essential Role of Vitamins and Supplements in Your GLP-1 Weight Loss Journey

Jumping into your weight loss journey with GLP-1 receptor agonists is an exciting move towards hitting your health goals! But let's not forget a super important piece of the puzzle while we're at it: vitamins and supplements.

Anyone who's been through bariatric surgery knows the drill – getting enough nutrients can be a real challenge. Post-op restrictions don't make it any easier, and throwing GLP-1 drugs into the mix? Yep, that will increase the risk of missing out on some crucial nutrients. So, let's break down the supplements that aren't just nice to have; they're pretty much essential:


Multivitamins: Your Daily Nutritional Backup

Multivitamins are a pillar of daily nutritional insurance, filling any gaps in our diet. While they can't replace the rich diversity of a balanced diet, they ensure we're not missing out on essential nutrients, which is especially critical when our nutritional intake falls short.


Calcium Citrate: A Must-Have for Bone Health

Calcium citrate is especially beneficial for bariatric patients, offering superior absorption that's not dependent on stomach acid. It plays a key role in preventing bone density loss and osteoporosis, making it a non-negotiable part of our supplement regime.


Vitamin B12: Fighting Fatigue and Supporting Energy

Vitamin B12 is essential in staving off anemia, a common concern post-surgery due to impaired nutrient absorption. It supports our energy levels and nerve health, making it a critical supplement for anyone on a GLP-1 drug.


Vitamin D: Essential for Strong Bones

Vitamin D's role in facilitating calcium absorption is vital for maintaining strong, healthy bones and preventing osteoporosis. Given the higher risk of vitamin D deficiency post-bariatric surgery, supplementing with vitamin D is crucial for our bone health and in preventing secondary hyperparathyroidism.


Probiotics: For a Happy Gut

Introducing probiotics into our regimen helps combat the gastrointestinal side effects of GLP-1 medications, such as nausea and diarrhea, making the treatment more tolerable. Beyond easing these symptoms, probiotics support gut health and may even enhance metabolic health, offering a comprehensive benefit to our weight loss efforts.

NOTE: I LOVE the Pendulum products and take them myself. In fact, my whole family does, from my daughter to my 75-year-old mom! They are super high quality and don't upset my sensitive tummy. Not sure what to order? Contact me and I'll help you get started! Use the link above to grab a DISCOUNT on your first subscription order. Don't worry; you can cancel at any time!  


It's Carved in Stone... Or At Least It SHOULD Be!

I wish that when we had bariatric surgery, our surgeons made us carve into stone that we would agree to take our vitamins and supplements every day for the rest of our lives. Then, throw ANOTHER nutrient-prohibiting factor into the mix with GLP-1 drugs, and well, we have a potential health crisis on our hands. As we integrate GLP-1 medications into our weight loss journey, it's imperative to remember that supplements are our allies. They ensure our body receives the full spectrum of nutrients needed for optimal health.

Please ensure you have labs done at least once a year, if not every six months. This valuable data is vital to your health and will allow your healthcare provider to customize a supplement plan that meets your needs.

Taking this all-around approach means you're not just focusing on shedding pounds but building a healthier, more energetic you. So here's to tackling this adventure with all the smarts, care, and nutrients we need.

Here's to a healthier, happier journey ahead!


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