Patricia's Guide to Bariatric Living

Savoring Success

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Body Dysmorphia: The Naked Truth

When Our Brain Can't Keep Up

Achieving significant weight loss is often...

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Yes, There is a Healthy Alternative to Injections

As a part of my personal quest for maximum health, a few years ago, I added...

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Overcoming Weight Loss Stalls After Bariatric Surgery: Tips for Success

Nine times out of ten, when I consult with a patient experiencing a stall,...

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Success After Surgery

Choose What You Want Most Over What You Want Now

As we embark on a new week,...

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SOLUTIONS: A Cost-Effective NATURAL Alternative to Prescription GLP-1 Medications

FDA-Approved GLP-1 Medications Can Work... But They Are Out of...

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Stress: The Silent Saboteur of Weight Loss


This sneaky little thing can creep into our lives, impacting...

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