Savoring Success

Patricia's Guide to Bariatric Living


The Most Expensive DIET You May NEVER SUCCEED With...

Over the past few weeks, something has been really bothering me. No… bothering is not the right word. Worrying? Upsetting? Troubling? Concerning?

Yes. Concerning me.

For most of us, we have spent a great majority of our lives obese. We’ve tried every DIET known to mankind, and we’ve FAILED. That’s why we are here. When we make the decision to go all in… to surgically alter our body for LIFE… we make the decision to change. To finally take control of our health and our nutrition. Right?

Then why do so many of us still treat our post-op weight loss journey like we are on a DIET? Didn’t we have surgery to NEVER have to DIET again?

I know I did.

But post after post, call after call, I see and hear from people who are still in the DIET mindset. Or even worse, they are slinging money at every fad or drug that comes across the internet or television for a quick fix.


Injectibles, diet pills, liquid resets, detoxes, and fasts, all give a false sense of success. Because, and correct me if I’m wrong, they are almost always a temporary fix. Sure, you may have short-term success… but how many of these did you try in the past and failed with? Why do you expect this time to be any different?

Albert Einstein said it best… The definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.


Look. There is no shame in using a medication to help you achieve the results you desire. I have a bunch of patients using them now and they can work. But a drug cannot do ALL the work.

While many of the doctors prescribing these drugs understand how they help patients lose weight, they simply do not provide the support necessary for their patients to achieve long-term results without risking damage to their bodies. I do. I also know that pairing these drugs with healthy, balanced nutrition, a plan that focuses on learning how to eat REAL FOOD in the correct macros and portion sizes, will help patients avoid a loss of muscle mass due to rapid weight loss, which always happens.

I also know that without changing the habits that led patients to take the drugs in the first place, as soon as they stop taking them, the weight will come back. Yep, the yo-yo.

Do diet pills and injectables TEACH you how to eat correctly? Nope.
Do liquid resets help you CHANGE your HABITS long-term? Nope again.

Permanent success requires work. It requires change.

I can and will help you learn to use these drugs in the healthiest way possible so that you can experience lasting results and remove yourself from the yo-yo dieting rollercoaster you've been on for years. 

It's time to put in the WORK. Invest in your HEALTH instead of relying exclusively on a drug.

Not sure where to start? I know.

Not sure where to go? I know.

Not sure what nutrition plan is best for your body? I know.

I KNOW! Not only have I been there, done that, but I FREAKING SUCCEEDED! Am I perfect? Hell no. Did I experience regain due to the end of a failed marriage? Yep. I’m human. But guess what? I also knew what I needed to do to lose the regain, and I did. I have spent hundreds of hours since I had my own surgery gaining certifications and learning how to do this right. And because I’m a teacher at heart… I want to teach you, too.

But Patricia… it’s so hard, and I simply don’t have time. Well… pardon me while I don’t sugar coat this… until you are ready to make YOUR HEALTH A PRIORITY and LEARN NEW SKILLS... you will continue to struggle and will most likely FAIL (not my statistic… but an industry norm of 60% failure due to regain or never hitting goal). I can help to make it easy. Heck, I do everything but grocery shopping and cooking your food! So, what’s your excuse now? Ready to stop sabotaging your success and get serious?

Message me NOW. Let’s do this together!

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