Savoring Success

Patricia's Guide to Bariatric Living


Beyond the Scale: Embracing a Holistic Approach to Health

I get it. That number on the scale is an all-encompassing goal, even for me. However, when I step back and take a look at the BIG picture, is the number REALLY that important, or is it my overall health? I've not hidden the fact that I'm dealing with a bit of regain, about 20lbs. OH MY GOSH... TWENTY POUNDS. 

LOL. Really? In the grand scheme of things, I am still over 100 lbs down from my highest weight. I am infinitely healthier than I was in every aspect of my life. THIS. This is what matters—not an arbitrary number. Do I still want to lose this last bit, of course? But I can't ignore the fact that even if I don't, I'm still healthy. 


Healthy Self

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in what the numbers say on the scale. Many of us define our health and fitness success by this single metric, which, while useful, doesn't give a complete picture of our well-being. It's important to remember that true health encompasses more than just weight. A holistic approach that focuses on overall wellness can lead to lasting changes, greater happiness, and a more fulfilling life.


Understanding Health Beyond Weight

Weight is often seen as a primary indicator of health, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Two individuals can weigh the same but have vastly different body compositions, metabolic rates, and overall health profiles. For instance, muscle is denser than fat, so someone with a higher muscle mass might weigh more but actually be healthier. Focusing solely on weight can also overlook other important factors such as nutritional balance, mental health, and physical fitness.


The Limitations of the Scale

The number on the scale is a snapshot in time and doesn’t account for fluctuations in water weight, muscle gain, or the natural weight variations that everyone experiences. Moreover, an overemphasis on weight can lead to unhealthy behaviors like crash dieting, over-exercising, or ignoring one’s body signals of hunger and fullness. This can potentially lead to eating disorders and other health issues.


Benefits of a Holistic Approach

1. Improved Physical Health: By focusing on nourishing your body rather than just reducing calorie intake, you can improve overall health. This includes eating a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins which provide essential nutrients that support body functions.

2. Enhanced Mental Well-being: Mental health is just as important as physical health. Stress, anxiety, and depression can affect physical health, and physical health can impact mental well-being. Activities like yoga, meditation, and regular physical exercise can improve both.

3. Sustainable Habits: When the goal is overall health, you’re more likely to adopt habits that are sustainable long-term rather than quick fixes that fizzle out. This includes regular physical activity that you enjoy, eating patterns that are both satisfying and nutritious, and getting adequate sleep.


Shifting the Focus

To begin shifting away from the scale:

- Set Non-Weight-Related Goals: Focus on achievements like improving your strength, increasing your stamina, or mastering a new physical activity. Celebrate these milestones!

- Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how you feel. Are you full of energy? Do you sleep well? How is your mood most days? These are critical indicators of your health.

- Seek Professional Guidance: A dietitian or a health coach can help you set realistic goals that focus on holistic health improvements, not just weight loss.


Final Thoughts

While it’s not wrong to want to maintain a healthy weight, it’s crucial to balance this goal with other aspects of health. Remember, health is not a number on the scale—it’s how strong you feel, how energized you are during the day, and how positively you can engage with life’s challenges. Let's redefine what it means to be healthy and shift our focus from the scale to overall well-being.

Need help getting to this place? Message me. Let me help you become the happiest and healthiest YOU! ♥️

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