Savoring Success

Patricia's Guide to Bariatric Living


Yes, There is a Healthy Alternative to Injections

As a part of my personal quest for maximum health, a few years ago, I added probiotics to my nutritional routine. A while back, I started taking Akkermansia to help heal my gut microbiome. About a month ago, I switched to one of their newer supplements to help support losing the last 20 lbs of my regain. This supplement naturally helps to turn down the "food noise" and improves healthy blood sugar levels -- providing some of the same results as the popular weight loss injections, but doing it 100% naturally! 

Pendulum Therapeutics offers products like the GLP-1 Probiotic and Polyphenol Booster, which are designed to support gut health and overall wellness. These products are dietary supplements and not pharmaceutical treatments like GLP-1 injections, which are prescribed for conditions like type 2 diabetes and obesity. Here’s a look at why someone might consider these supplements as part of a healthier lifestyle compared to GLP-1 injections:


Supports Natural Processes

- Pendulum GLP-1 Probiotic aims to enhance the body's natural production of GLP-1 through gut microbiota modulation. GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels and satiety. By supporting the gut’s natural ability to produce GLP-1, these probiotics can potentially help manage blood sugar levels and aid in weight management naturally.
- Pendulum Polyphenol Booster supports gut health by providing polyphenols, which are natural compounds found in plants that promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and have antioxidant properties.


Fewer Side Effects

- GLP-1 injections, like any medication, can come with side effects such as gastrointestinal distress, headache, and risk of more severe conditions like pancreatitis. In contrast, Pendulum’s products are typically associated with fewer and less severe side effects, focusing on supporting the gut microbiome naturally.


Complements Overall Health

- The Pendulum products are not just about targeting one aspect of health; they are designed to enhance overall wellness through gut health. A healthy gut microbiome is linked to numerous health benefits, including improved digestion, enhanced immune function, and reduced inflammation. These factors can contribute to a holistic approach to health and wellness.



- GLP-1 injections are invasive, requiring regular subcutaneous administration. This can be a significant drawback for those who are uncomfortable with needles. Pendulum’s products, being orally ingested, offer a non-invasive alternative to support health.


Ease of Use

- Incorporating Pendulum GLP-1 Probiotic and Polyphenol Booster into one’s diet is as simple as taking a supplement with meals, which can be more convenient than scheduling and administering injections.


Final Thoughts

It’s important to note that while Pendulum’s products can be a healthier, more natural option for those looking to support their wellness and potentially manage conditions like mild glucose intolerance through diet and lifestyle, they are not a replacement for medical treatments prescribed for more severe conditions. GLP-1 injections are powerful, clinically validated treatments for type 2 diabetes and significant weight loss and should not be discontinued without professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best treatment plan for your specific health needs.

Ready to try them*? I am offering special member-only pricing to the followers of My Bariatric Kitchen and Living Healthy Nutrition. Head over to my STORE and check it out!

*Please keep in mind that with any supplement, it may take six weeks to three months to begin to feel the full effects. Results are not guaranteed and products should be combined with a healthy balanced nutrition plan, exercise, and plenty of water. 

For those purchasing, I've also created a PROTOCOL to introduce these probiotics into your nutritional plan to help minimize any side effects you may experience. This file can be found in the FILES of My Bariatric Kitchen.

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